Legal Disclaimer

Legal Information and Disclaimers 


Tita Guapa’s House of Beauty Products or any of it’s related business entities does not provide any warranty or guarantee for all the products and services we provide on behalf of all suppliers and their brands, other than it is related to product replacement for an incorrect order or replacement or refund for a product that may be damaged or considered faulty. For further information, please review our Terms of Service.

At all times, you should rely on your own inquiries and research of any information about products or services made available on our website. 




The information and materials provided on our website are not intended to offer any form of medical opinion, medical advise, diagnosis or treatment including all consumable products such as all food products, skin care and beauty products, nutritional and dietary supplements offered on this website. 


All information contained on or any product label or packaging made available on this website is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advise from your medical practitioner or any health care professional.


You should always speak to your medical practitioner or health care provider before consuming any medication or nutritional, herbal, homeopathic and any other form of supplementation, or before starting on any diet, weight management, exercise program or before adopting any treatment for a health problem.


You must not use the information on our website for diagnosis or treatment of any health issues or for prescription of any medication or other treatment. This site does not recommend self-management of health conditions. Information on this site is not comprehensive and does not cover all diseases, ailments, physical conditions nor their treatments. Contact your healthcare provider promptly should you have any health-related questions. 




Never disregard nor delay medical advise based upon the information you may have read on this site. Always check the product label or packaging prior to using any product. If there are discrepancies, customers should follow the information provided on the product label or packaging. You should contact the manufacturer directly for clarification as to product labeling, packaging, and recommended use.


Tita Guapa’s House of Beauty Products is not liable for any information provided on this Site with regard to recommendations regarding dietary supplements for any health purposes. Dietary products are not intended to treat, prevent or cure disease. Tita Guapa’s House of Beauty Products makes no guarantee or warranty with respect to any products or services sold. Tita Guapa’s is not responsible for any damages or any untoward side effects or adverse reaction from any products sold or services rendered, even if Tita Guapa’s House of Beauty Products has been advised of the possibility of damages.